Monday, January 25, 2010

Discs to Downloads: Jan 26

Discs to Downloads: New Directions in the Music Industry
Tuesday, January 26th at 7pm
Broadway and 4th Street

Continuing No Longer Empty's panel discussion series, Discs to Downloads will focus on how technology has transformed the music industry and how contemporary gadgets and the Internet have impacted twenty-first century music production, listening and consumption. No Longer Empty (NLE) hosts the following music industry panelists:

David Goodman: President, CBS Interactive Music Group
Elliot Groffman: Music Attorney, Founding member of Codikow, Carroll, Guido and Groffman, LLP, who represent several celebrity clients including Dave Matthews Band and Jay-Z
Kevin Patrick: Artist Manager of the 2009 MTV Video Music Award for Breakthrough Video Matt and Kim, Lord Wardd, Vivian Green
Ted Riederer: Featured NLE artist of Never Can Say Goodbye's
David Weiss: President DLB Media, Co-Founder/Co-Editor of and Editor of Mix Magazine
Moderator: Brad LeBeau, Founder of PRO MOTION

Limited seating. Please RSVP to