Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Art and Influence of Robert Blanchon: Jan 26

"You are Cordially Invited”: The Art and Influence of Robert Blanchon
Tuesday January 26, 6:30 - 8:30pm
The Fales Library & Special Collection
Bobst Library, New York University
70 Washington Square South, Third Floor

A Panel Discussion with:
Sasha Archibald, independent writer and curator
Mary Ellen Carroll, artist and manager of the Robert Blanchon Estate
Laura Parnes, artist and Momenta Art founder
Nelson Santos, artist and Visual AIDS Associate Director
Ginger Brooks Takahashi, artist
moderated by Amy Sadao

The Fales Collection at New York University in collaboration with Visual AIDS present an event discussing Robert Blanchon as a conceptual artist whose work expands and reiterates many of the themes of 1990s art. Through brief presentations and “interviews” with panelists we will explore Blanchon’s connection to artists as well as emerging trends in contemporary art. Throughout his career, from parodies of the art world to AIDS agit-prop to cerebral, minimalist photography, Blanchon gleaned from art history in order to make his own crucial intervention, and taught his students to do the same. RSVP: 212 992-9018 or rsvp.bobst@nyu.edu
