A Proposition by Kara Walker:
The object of Painting is the subjugated Body. The Painter is the colonizing entity. How do Paintings understand the concept of liberty? And who will teach them?
Friday, September 25, 7pm
Saturday, September 26, noon
New Museum theater
Propositions is a public forum that explores ideas in development. Inspired by the scientific method of hypothesis, research, and synthesis, each two-day seminar explores a topic of current investigation in an invited speaker’s own artistic or intellectual practice. Over the course of a seminar session, these developing ideas are presented to the public, responded to, “researched,” and discussed to propel the ideas forward in unique ways.
The structure of Propositions is as follows:
Friday, 7:00 PM – Initial proposition and lecture
Saturday, 12:00 PM – Guest speaker responds, followed by a lunch break
Saturday, 3:00 PM – Discussion
Photo by Jaya Howey