Between Amsterdam, Los Angeles, and New York:
A Roundtable with Ger van Elk, Allen Ruppersberg + Lawrence Weiner
Thursday, September 24, 6:30pm
MoMA, Theater 3, Cullman Education and Research Building
This conversation examines the international networks that developed among Conceptual artists in the 1960s and 1970s. Three such artists—Ger van Elk, Allen Ruppersberg, and Lawrence Weiner—focus the discussion on their respective cities of Amsterdam, Los Angeles, and New York, each of which served as a major center of artistic production at the time. Christophe Cherix, Curator, Department of Prints and Illustrated Books, The Museum of Modern Art, and organizer of the exhibition In & Out of Amsterdam: Travels in Conceptual Art, 1960–1976, moderates the discussion.
Tickets ($10; members, corporate members $8; students, seniors, and staff of other museums $5) are available online, or at the Museum at the lobby information desk or the Film desk.