Monday, February 22, 2010

Renato Gonzalez Melo and Robert Storr: Feb 23

Renato Gonzalez Melo and Robert Storr on Mexican Muralism
Tuesday, February 23, 6:30 pm
Americas Society, 680 Park Avenue

Speakers: Renato González Mello (Professor and Researcher at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) and Robert Storr (Dean of the School of Art at Yale University). Moderated by Anna Indych-López (Associate Professor at The City College of New York and The Graduate Center, CUNY)

By considering the visual construction of the Mexican Revolution, 1930s exhibition culture, and portable frescoes, Muralism without Walls investigates how U.S. perceptions of Mexican cultural identity shaped the muralists’ creative processes and politics. The exhibition will also explore the aesthetic and social histories of the murals themselves.