Curiosity and Method:
an all-day symposium in celebration of Cabinet’s ten years of publication
Saturday, April 9, 2011, 10 am–6:30 pm
Betts Auditorium, Architecture Building, Princeton University
FREE. No RSVP necessary
With its fortieth issue, released in January of this year, Cabinet celebrated ten years of publication. We are using the occasion as a way of thinking both retrospectively and prospectively about some keywords that have been important to us in framing our project. These themes include amateurism, curiosity, pranks, the ordinary, deception, attention, the ethics of listening, and more. This all-day symposium gathers a diverse group of extraordinary writers and thinkers to help us sift through these keywords and to allow us to ask questions about Cabinet’s successes and failures. The symposium will be followed by a reception during which there will be a number of short readings (five minutes each) from Cabinet’s first decade.
The full program is listed at: