Wednesday, January 26, 2011

meanwhile...: Jan 29

Saturday, January 29, 5pm
Foxy Production, 623 West 27th St

Ad Hoc Vox and Foxy Production are pleased to invite you to meanwhile... A panel discussion on time in narrative.

Narrative is fundamentally concerned with sequence and this is as true of nonlinear narratives as it is of plot lines structured around clearly identifiable beginnings, middles, and ends. In this way, broadly conceived, time is the subject of all narratives. Consequently, how duration is represented in narrative has long been a subject of aesthetic study, just as the nature of time itself has long been a subject of philosophic and scientific inquiry. meanwhile... will look to how duration is represented and its effect on how time is experienced as a means of understanding time. We will focus on narrative forms that have historically been bound up with questions of how time is represented and manipulated, such as literature, theater, and film.

meanwhile... will elaborate on a conversation that began in an April 2010 panel held at Galerie Zurcher that investigated varied and at times contradictory definitions of time generated in the sciences and humanities. Its participants - Royal S. Brown, Mary Ann Caws, Sam Ishii-Gonzales, Jennifer Reeves, and Rebecca Schneider - are practitioners and theorists of note in the fields under discussion. The panel will be moderated by Colleen Asper and followed by a Q&A with the audience.