Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Decency, Respect and Community Standards: What Offends Us Now?: Sept 22

(Part of "How Obscene is This? The Decency Clause Turns 20")
Wednesday, September 22, 6:30pm
The New School's Tishman Auditorium, 66 West 12th St
Free Admission
Participants include:
Wafaa Bilal, Iraqi American artist, whose installation Virtual Jihadi was closed down by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York;
Holly Hughes, performance artist, one of the NEA4;
Carolee Schneemann, filmmaker and visual artist who has battled censorship for the last 50 years.
Moderated by Laura Flanders of GritTV.
Related Programming:
Indecent Exposure: A Discussion and Screening of Films You Are Unlikely to See Elsewhere
Monday, September 27th, 6:30 PM
SVA Theatre, 333 West 23 Street, New York
Free Admission