Barbara Probst
Tuesday, March 23, 6:30 pm
Aperture Gallery & Bookstore
547 West 27 Street, 4th floor
Aperture and the Photography Program in the School of Art, Media, and Technology at Parsons The New School for Design are pleased to present an artist lecture with internationally recognized visual artist Barbara Probst. In Probst’s photographs, the subject of the work becomes the photographic moment of exposure itself. Using a radio-controlled release system, she simultaneously triggers the shutters of several cameras pointed at the same scene from various viewpoints. The resulting sequences of images suspend time and stretch out the split second. The prismatic effect is heightened by the backdrops, which are often enlarged stills from well-known movies. The apparent narrative is confounded by the multiple locations, which further enhance the sense of artifice. Both illusion and device are always manifest—cameras, studio lights, and tripods are all visible. These, as well as the photographer(s) themselves, are both the object and viewpoint of a revelatory, photographic exposure.