David Benjamin, Soo-in Yang, and Natalie Jeremijenko
Friday, October 16, 7pm
The Urban Center, 457 Madison Avenue
Presented as part of the public program series organized in conjunction with the Architectural League’s fall 2009 exhibition Toward the Sentient City.
David Benjamin, Natalie Jeremijenko, and Soo-in Yang will talk about the interconnected ecosystems of land and water, and the potential overlap between social networks of fish, people, and buildings. “Amphibious Architecture,” their project for the League’s exhibition Toward the Sentient City, creates a public interface to water quality and aquatic life of urban rivers, and our interest therein. For more information about Amphibious Architecture and the exhibition, visit the exhibition website.
Tickets are required for admission to League programs. Tickets are free for League members; $10 for non-members.