Tuesday, July 21, 7-9 pm
Exit Art, 475 Tenth Ave
In these intimate, public conversations, participants in the exhibition Négritude will talk with an artist, scholar or cultural producer of their choice about various aspects of the Négritude movement and Black identity. These in-depth conversations will contextualize the exhibition within larger discussions about the politics and culture of Blackness, from the Americas and the Caribbean to Africa. $5 Suggested Donation. Cash bar.
7pm: A Conversation with Négritude artists Vladimir Cybil Charlier Juste and Andre Juste, Moderated by Thomas C. Spear, French and Francophone scholar and Professor of French at Lehman College (CUNY) and at the Graduate Center (CUNY).
8pm: Racial Spacial Facial Glacial: A Group Lecture on the Architectonics and Antipsychotics of 4th-Stage Négritude and other Dub Strategies. A conversation with ('VËRSION'), the newly formed collective of Xaviera Simmons, Arthur Jafa, and Greg Tate.