Eyebeam's Summer School: Curatorial Masterclass
Five sessions | Tuesdays + Thursdays, 3 – 5PM | July 7 – July 21
Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st St., NYC
Cost: Advance: $10/session | At door: $15/session
Advance registration: https://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/528/t/9265/shop/shop.jsp?storefront_KEY=664
An initiative of Eyebeam's Summer School program, the Curatorial Masterclass will be led by Eyebeam research partner Sarah Cook from CRUMB, the online resource for curators working with media art. The series will be an opportunity for emerging and established curators of art to get together within a focused period of time to learn from each other's practice, and to develop a greater understanding of curating, open source methods, and working in the public domain.
Tues., July 7, 3–5PM: What open source is and what it means for art
How do practices prevalent in the open source community match up against curatorial paradigms in the visual arts? What is the difference between curatorial openness, working in the public domain or releasing work under a public license? How can we learn about curating and commissioning via platforms which engage audiences or encourage participation? Defining useful metaphors and discarding hyperbolic buzzwords will be encouraged.
Thur., July 9, 3–5PM: Publication and Documentation
As part of Fair Use Day, we'll consider some of the practical and legal issues concerning reproduction, particularly as it applies to issues of curating time-based art forms such as performance or work which takes place in the public domain. Can publishing be a documentation strategy for curating ephemeral work such as music or software? Release strategies used by curators working with emergent new media forms will be rigorously compared.
Tues., July 14, 3–5PM: Networking and Collaboration
New media tools seem to make remote working and networking easier, but do they facilitate curating? How is the time-frame of collaboration – between artists and curators or producers, or between the art and its audience – different when adopting open source methodologies (such as iterative or modular methods, sometimes called bootstrapping)? Discussions of the different shapes of collaboration and the tried and tested 'rules' of good collaboration will be ascertained.
Thur., July 16, 3–5PM: Curating in the public domain
Curating is often a private activity with a very public outcome, but recent hype about the term in relation to 'filtering' online content (from videos and photos to tweets and urls) has made 'curating' something people now think of as a very public process. What can we learn from public art models of curatorial practice? How do we cater for passerby audiences? What are the lessons to be learned from open submission projects online and offline? The ideal conditions for creating a platform for participation will be dreamt up.
Tues., July 21, 3–5PM: Evaluation and Audience Engagement
The last session of the curatorial masterclass series will ask, who is participating in open curatorial projects? Why? How do we know what they're getting out of it? What can be learned from the revisions/lifelines used in open source software generation and how can that way of thinking be applied to consideration of the 'lifeline' of a curatorial project? What are other evaluation strategies that can be applied to curating, such as comment boxes or feedback forms? Obvious and proposed benchmarks of success will be interrogated.
SERIES FORMAT: The first hour of each day will be a formal conversation modeled on CRUMB's tea-time chats, and will feature established curators and artists. The second hour will be a rigorous participant driven discussion, building upon the first hours themes and insights. Following each presentation and workshop, participants will have the opportunity to stick around for beer o'clock and conversation with presenters and fellow masterclass participants, as well as participants from other Eyebeam Summer School programs.