Monday, June 29, 2009

"The Idea of Order on the Gowanus Canal: Wallace Stevens and Geography": June 30

Tuesday, June 30, 7pm
Cabinet, 300 Nevins St, Brooklyn
FREE. No RSVP necessary
Organized by D. Graham Burnett & Jeff Dolven

This month, Poetry Lab takes up the hermetic sage of Hartford, Wallace Stevens, whose peculiar tincture of icy Platonism and earth-smudged world-worship looms over American Modernism. Our line of approach on this metaphysical opus? Cartography. Join us for an evening of map exercises, epistolary parlor games, and quasi-allegorical transits as we investigate the geographical imagination of one of the great poets of the twentieth century. Will there be readings? Sure. Bring your walking shoes? A good idea. After all, “In my room, the world is beyond my understanding; / But when I walk I see that it consists of three or four hills and a cloud…” Drinks will be served.