Monday, May 11, 2009

Learning in Present Tense: May 12

Learning in Present Tense
Tuesday, May 12, 7:15pm
16Beaver Street, 4th Floor
Free and open to all

In the last 10 years, the question of pedagogy in general and the university have re-emerged as a critical site of contestation. This evening comes out of a dialogue with Emma Hedditch and Nils Norman and students from the School of Walls and Space – a class from the Royal Danish Art Academy in Copenhagen, which Nils leads. Together with 16Beaver participants, Whitney Independent Study Program participants, students from the NYU and New School occupations,
Father Frank Morales, and friends (including yourselves), we will try to conjure what the possibilities of learning will look like projected upon a plane of our own making?

Some of the questions we may circle around:
  • What would or could a place for learning be like?
  • What are places for learning?
  • Where could we find ourselves learning?
  • What is the form of life that is proposed in the figure of the student
  • today? What can the life of students today say about our relations to the
  • present, to history, to experience and to the idea of progress?
  • How do the economic and political rationalities of the present confine,
  • direct, and limit the potential exploration and research within situations
  • of learning?
For full details, please visit: