Signs of Change Event: A Two-Panel Symposium
Exit Art, 475 Tenth Ave
Thursday, September 25
6 pm: Producing and Distributing Social Movement Culture
Panelists include: Judy Ann Seidman/ Artist and Writer (South Africa); Sphinx/Indymedia Africa; illcommonz (Japan), Favianna Rodriguez/Tumis Design (Oakland, CA) and others TBA. Moderated by Gregory Sholette, Assistant Professor Queens College Department of Art, Co-Founder PAD/D & REPOhistory/New York.
8 pm: Assessing the History and Future of Social Movement Culture: A Critical Analysis
Panelists include: Stephen Duncombe/Writer & Professor, NYU; Dee Dee Halleck/Media Activist, Co-founder Deep Dish TV; Sasha Roseneil/Professor of Sociology and Social Theory, Director, Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, Birbeck, University of London (UK), Jose Vasquez/Iraq Veterans Against the War, CUNY Graduate Center and others TBA. Moderated by Kazembe Balagun, Brecht Forum/blogger: blackmanwithalibrary.com (New York, NY).
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