Thursday, September 13, 2007

Conflux Festival: September 13-16

The Change You Want to See Gallery, 84 Havemeyer Street, Brooklyn NY 11211
Open daily, 10am - 6pm. Telephone: 347.410.5081

Luna Lounge, 361 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11211
Open daily, 11am - 4pm and 8pm - close [see site for schedule]

Conflux is the annual New York City festival where visual and sound artists, writers, urban adventurers and the public gather for four days to explore their urban environment. With tools ranging from traditional paper maps to high-tech mobile devices, artists present walking tours, public installations, street art and performance, as well as bike and subway expeditions, workshops, a lecture series, a film program and live music performances at night. Over the course of the festival the sidewalks are literally transformed into a mobile laboratory for creative action as people from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures collectively re-imagine the city as a playground, a space for positive change and an opportunity for civic engagement.

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