Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Shahzia Sikander: Feb 4

Shahzia Sikander
Parsons Fine Arts Lecture Series
Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Auditorium
Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, 66 Fifth Avenue
Wednesday, February 4, 3- 4:30 pm

Shahzia Sikander’s work spans a variety of mediums including drawing, wall installations, animation and video. Examining the provenance and cannon of Indo-Persian miniature painting, Sikander pioneered an experimental approach to the genre in the mid 1980s. Her work has successfully brought Indo-Persian miniature painting into the realm of contemporary art. Sikander’s work takes apart the conventional methods of addressing traditional miniature paintings and reassembles them to expand their associations.

Admission:Free; no tickets or reservations required; seating is first-come first-served

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