Sunday, November 11, 2007

This is DIY: November 15

This is DIY: A Do-It-Yourself Panel Discussion
Thursday, November 15, 7pm
School of Visual Arts
209 East 23rd Street, 3rd floor, Amphitheater
Free and open to the public.

YouTube and Flickr are just two of the latest incarnations of the Do-It-Yourself ethic, which has shaken up markets and created new communities. Arts and media leaders at the forefront offer some perspective: Vanessa Bertozzi, editor in chief and director of communications, Etsy, the online retailer of handmade goods; Steve Englander, director, ABC No Rio community-based arts center; David Reinfurt/Stuart Bailey of Dexter Sinister: Just-in-Time Workshop & Occasional Bookstore; and John Strausbaugh, a regular contributor to The New York Times, The Washington Post and Cabinet. Moderated by SVA students Michaela Murphy and Tarah Rhoda; organized by faculty member Amy Wilson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will someone connected to this blog please tell my google-located daughter, Tarah Rhoda (one of the designated moderaters of the DIY Discussion Panel), that her father says hello! and that he loves HER!

Thank You very much.