Personal Structures: Time | Space | Existence:
Two-Day “Space” Symposium at the New Museum
Friday, Apr 3, 3-7pm
and Saturday, April 4, 2-6pm
$6 Members, $8 General Public
The “Space” Symposium is the third in the “Personal Structures Time Space Existence” project. The first symposium, “Time,” was held 2007 in Amsterdam; and the second, “Existence,” 2008 in Tokyo. Dutch curators Sarah Gold and Karlijn De Jongh organized the series.
In this third symposium, basic artistic questions related to space and spatiality will be discussed. On the one hand, “space-relatedness” means the three-dimensional body of the artwork itself or its aesthetic interaction with the actual space in which it is placed. On the other hand, “space-relatedness” means the various notions of space depending on personal, cultural, and social circumstances. These become visible in the artist’s specific choice of his or her means of expression.
Discussion topics include:
- Space and spatiality as themes of nonrepresentational art
- Concepts of space-related painting
- Experience of landscape and urban space structures as artistic inspiration
- Self-perception in space: the experience of space in the reception of nonrepresentational art
See full schedule here: